Friday 4 February 2011

Taken at the Cambridge Junction. The backlit scene, smoke and silhouetted figure add to the atmosphere in spades. It's difficult taking gig photos, with constantly changing light and movement, but this came out well.

Tuesday 29 June 2010

Kite Flying

A simple image of our daughter, flying her kite while we were on holiday. It was really windy, and I wanted to get down to her level, and see the whole of the kite, string and her holding on (one-handed, despite my advice!). It has a totally different feel this low down.

I captured it on my camera phone, so not a great technical image, but one with bags of energy and "in the moment" appeal, I hope.

Thursday 11 February 2010

Venetian Light and Shadow

This image was taken in Venice, about 7am, before all the tourists arrived. It was largely deserted until 6.30am, when the Venetians started to make their way to work. The sun was still low, and I noticed that it was making great graphic shapes with the pillars of this walkway, and I reeled off a bunch of shots. Good, but something was missing. Patience paid off - a lone figure walked up, and I waited until he had reached a suitable point, balancing the composition. I cropped this to be a square composition, and I think that works better than the original portrait format.

Tuesday 9 February 2010

North Norfolk Beach Walkers

This was taken in Norfolk, just along the coast from Wells-next-the-sea. It was a dramatic sunset, and I have a load of images in colour too, but this one worked very well when converted to mono - the drama seemed to be increased. Also, I got this just in time before the two main figures broke the horizon line, and also the male figure has his stick planted just perfectly. I took loads of images, and selected this one for just those reasons. More fortuitous is the dog looking longingly into the sea, for a stick that has been thrown in. Not sure if this can be seen in this low resolution version, but it's nice in the full size image. Also, there are several groups of individuals, nicely spaced and helping to move the eye around the scene.